In the fight against COVID-19, there is a special section on the data competition platform, Kaggle, which challenges participants to uncover new insights from over 57,000 research papers and 8GB of data. Among them, over 45,000 full-text research papers on COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and other coronaviruses are included. By utilizing natural language processing and other AI techniques, the goal is to uncover new insights and better combat this serious infectious disease.
As global research continues to rapidly increase, traditional methods of exploring literature in medical research may fall behind, resulting in important or related research and discoveries being missed. Thus, the demand for continuous understanding through this method is becoming increasingly urgent.
The goal is to answer questions and detail descriptions of each task, including:
- How much do we know about the transmission, incubation period, and environmental stability of the virus?
- What do we know about the natural history, transmission, and diagnosis of the virus?
- What do we know about the prevention and control of infections?
- How much do we know about the risk factors of COVID-19?
- What have we learned from epidemiological studies?
- How much do we know about the genetics, origin, and evolution of the virus?
- What do we know about vaccines and therapies?
- What has been published on medical and nursing care?
- How much do we know about non-pharmacological interventions?
- How much do we know about diagnosis and monitoring?
- What have we learned from systematic and comprehensive diagnosis methods?
- What has been published about research ethics considerations?
- What has been published about social science aspects in responding to outbreaks?
- What has been published about sharing information and collaboration across departments?
By using this method, we can explore the literature and data on how different regions and viruses may have varying mutations and implications in the transmission of the disease. The ultimate goal is to uncover new insights and better combat this infectious disease.